To Mahnshij
I don't think Adell thinks well of just loving one person. Let's go get the Broken Pottery Pieces of Heville and Hevillunne for Mahnshij. Catching 42 of each will be enough, no?
Given By

No Condition


Experience: 164430
Woonz: 46000
Lore: 570

1. Kill
2. Kill
3. Collect Quest Item
1 x Broken Pottery Piece of Heville
4. Collect Quest Item
1 x Broken Pottery Piece of Hevillun
5. Deliver Quest Item
1 x Broken Pottery Piece of Heville
6. Deliver Quest Item
1 x Broken Pottery Piece of Hevillun
Continuation Quests

Previous Quests
Sellouts to their own race

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A man with one goal

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