Holy Knight Magic Skills

There is no magic in Hellmarsh which can completely immobilize an opponent however, there are magics that can stop attacks or slow down attacks and Razbadge is one of them. Razbadge interferes with the concentration of the mind, gradually reducing sensory capabilities eventually, the opponent enters a state of confusion. This skill, however, can only be used on players.

Breath of Redyan
This skill creates the most powerful shield known to all magic users. As the name suggests it is a spell which was formulated by the Greatest Mage, she used this spell on her lover the legendary Holy Knight, Billmade. This spell automatically activated when Billmade was in danger. This spell can also be cast by Holy Knights using Mana but is weaker than Redyan. When cast by a Holy Knight it provides 2 times defense increase, whereas when Redyan casts it the spell increases Defense by 100 times.